Friday 3 August 2007

My Head Hurts!

We had a really good session at the Writers' Studio social evening last night. It was perhaps one of the best yet – there were all sorts of people there, the place was heaving; standing room only. Even the young ukulele player came along (he's only loosely eligible to attend, by virtue of the fact that he writes music, but we like him anyway because he brings a bit of youthful glamour to the place). There was some really good networking going on too, with everyone swapping contact details with each other and several joint projects being discussed. So, a big Thank You to Jon McGregor whose brainchild the setting up of the place was, because it's definitely proving to be a great venue for Nottingham's writers to convene.

I'm going to be working on the novel again today. It's going well. I managed to get my protagonist out of jail (it was relatively easy actually) and now he's making his next move to destroy the family that has betrayed him. I was also having some difficulty with a few plot directions that I needed to weave in and wasn't quite sure how to do it. I always trust my instincts when this happens and give the characters a free range to solve the problems themselves. It usually works, and I had a real stroke of luck yesterday when I was struggling to get the central character to take action that he wouldn't normally take – how was I going to do that? In the end, one of his fellow characters solved the problem for me and led my man down the exact path I wanted him to take. All I have to do now is learn to write properly and I'm home and dry.

I'm very excited today because I'm meeting up with the alarm system guy later, and I'm finally going to get this door entry system worked out. Also, tomorrow we're all going to the Riverside Festival to watch the young ukulele player perform. If you wish you could go too, but can't, then do the next best thing - listen to his music by clicking on the link to the left. Go on, you won't regret it!

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