Tuesday 30 October 2007

We Can Fight Them On The Beaches

I used to think I was a good judge of character, but recently I seem to have been making some serious mistakes. Why is this? Well, I’ve recently embarked upon a new life – after many, many years of domestic stability, all of a sudden I have been thrown into a maelström of independent turbulence. It’s like I’ve been cast on the foaming sea of change without the help of navigational charts, nor even a rudder. For all my maturity, this has caused me to make some poor decisions and employ some flawed judgement where personal relationships are concerned. What I thought I saw as the truth, was in fact nothing more than a chimera.

I was supposed to be going to the Pitti Patti Club tonight for an extravaganza of fun in anticipation of the festival of Hallowe’en tomorrow. Lots of my very favourite people are there, and it promised to be a riot of exuberant costumes and eccentric indulgence. I was greatly looking forward to it, but then - because of recent events in my personal life - I suddenly lost the heart for partying and I decided not to go. Instead I stayed home and cooked pizza. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been trusting the wrong people – we can all do that – but it’s because I’ve been in denial about this for weeks now and that means that my normally faultless judgement has failed me. The disappointment I feel over this is immense.

Time for a cup of cocoa and a security blanket, I think.

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