Tuesday 12 February 2008

Get On With It!

When I fell asleep last night, it was as if I had fallen backwards into bottomless drifts of yielding black soot. Apart from a few small disturbances during the night, I slept very well - floating throughout the dark subterranean caves of my dreams; slowly spinning in the eddies of my subconscious, picking at my neuroses and filing them away. As I tried to awaken this morning, it felt as if I were a kind of Sisyphus, repeatedly trying to push my ball of sleep to the surface, only for it to keep rolling back into the swirling darkness. Finally I broke through and sat up, awake.

Now the sun is shining and I have a zillion things to do, so I must begin. I have to make the final tweaks to our new website before it goes live; I have to sort out some administrative matters for the company, as well as for the Writers’ Studio; I have to do some contractual work too; and I have to write something! On top of this, my apartment is a filthy tip and I should also try to fit in some exercise today, so it’s all go.

But what am I doing instead? Sitting here writing this blog, that’s what. Get on with it, Pilgrim!

Before I go, I must tell you that I went to see a film last night and in case any of you is tempted to see it – don’t. It’s called The Princes’ Quest and it’s awful, terrible. I don’t like animation at the best of times, but this was some of the worst I’ve ever seen and the dialogue was the direst drivel ever written. The only thing it had going for it was the pretty colours, but if I wanted to sit for two hours just watching pretty colours, I’d buy a kaleidoscope!

Tootle pip, old loves!

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