Tuesday 10 November 2009

Never Do Today....

I have sorted out my timetable now. I made lots of little squares in columns under a heading for each day, and began to fill in the squares with all the things I need to do (this was after drawing up a 'To Do' list yesterday). The problem was, there weren't enough squares to fit everything into one week, so I had to convert it into a two-week timetable. We used to have one of these at school – where the timetable was issued to us in two halves: 'Week One' and 'Week Two'. It was quite strange how frequently I used to forget which week were in and would turn up at the wrong classroom to attend a lesson that would be a full week away. Occasionally it would be quite useful to pretend that one had the wrong week, because that would be a suitable excuse for 'forgetting' to hand in some homework that one had somehow failed to complete. We used to think the teachers were stupid in those days.

So, my new two-week timetable is finished and ready. It took me most of Monday on Week One to complete it, so the task and chores listed therein for that day didn't receive any attention. Today is Tuesday of Week One, so let me just check what I should be doing [PAUSE]. Oh, I see that I should be writing my blog at this very moment – what a coincidence! Well, my timetable appears to be working, despite experiencing a slight hiccough this morning by oversleeping. The universe temporarily deserted me by causing me to forget to set my alarm last night and that, coupled with a rather drunken late night throwing balls of wool for the stray cat to retrieve, meant that the activity I had set for Session One of the day ('Looking for a Job') was missed. Doh! However, I have allowed myself some free periods during the day – this is for contingencies – so maybe I can catch up on the missed session later. Or maybe not.

This is all a bit anal I suppose; I feel a bit of a nerd, doing this. But it's all part of the plan to create a New Life and is really quite necessary – if I didn't try to organize myself, I'd probably just lay on my back all day waving my legs in the air. As an occupation, waving one's legs in the air is not conducive to making good progress, and so should be avoided. I might even take this nerdiness one step further and print off my timetable, laminate it, and stick it on the wall. How about that? The trouble is, that would eat into the time already allocated for the next activity, so I'll have to shift that task down a bit. Oh dear, I can already see this whole plan failing, especially as I don't really like doing the next activity. Procrastination is the order of the day, perhaps? Did I schedule any time for that, I wonder?

Or maybe I should make a Christmas cake? I've never done that before so I fancy giving it a go – and of course, this means that I can waste even more time by cycling to the shops to buy the ingredients. Okay, so there's no square in the plan that says 'Make Christmas Cake', but I see that there is a 'free period' coming up next on the Week Two bit of the timetable. Is it permissible to switch weeks willy-nilly, do you think? It has to be done.

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