Wednesday 16 June 2010

It's All About Me!

Okay, so you're fed up with me going on and on, blah blah blah, about the Triliteral Festival. So, all I'm going to say is that it all happened, it all went (nearly) to plan, and I'm amazed that we actually pulled it off. It was a great triumph and everyone enjoyed it. Yes, it was very very hard work - not just for the Triliteral Team, but for the actors, directors and producers too. We were all utterly exhausted after it - nine different plays in three days is one hell of an achievement - but it was all worthwhile. We all feel very proud of ourselves, I can tell you.

And so, now where do we go? Well, the first thing to do on Sunday evening was to have a huge after-show party in my apartment. The entire company, plus a couple of others, descended here for molte bevande. Several cases of wine and beer later, and everyone was everyone else's best friend. Some even became lovers - but I'm not telling you who paired off with whom. Well, not yet anyway. It was all great fun - although I think my neighbours may not have been quite as excited about the noise and revelry as we were (especially on a school night). Nobody in the building has spoken to me since.

So, back to the future. What does it hold for us, eh? Well, we have definitely decided to do the whole thing again next year (we must be bonkers, I know). We have put ourselves very firmly on the map of Creative Nottingham and we really can't stop now. But in the meantime, I have become involved in another festival with a totally different flavour. Nottingham's Broadway Cinema will be staging its 3rd Annual ScreenLit Festival in 2011 and I have been invited to sit on the festival committee. I'm really excited by this because ScreenLit is a really high-profile festival (yes, even higher in profile than Triliteral). This year's festival (April 2010) featured Armando Iannucci, Dave Spikey (of 'Phoenix Nights' fame), Peter Capaldi, Chris Morris ('Four Lions'), John Harvey - and much, much more! The committee is made up of some of Nottingham's most savvy and influential media people, so I'm really chuffed to be invited to join them. Methinks it's time for me to wave 'bye bye' to the salt mines and seek a career in the Arts. The fact that I should really be considering retirement at this point is irrelevant - and anyway, my pension is worthless (as is most people's) and I'm going to have to work until I'm 100, so I may as well make it worthwhile for the rest of it.

I notice that it's Royal Ascot this week. I went once - many years ago - but on the day I was there it poured with rain and all I saw of the Royal Procession was a white-gloved hand waving ceremoniously through a tiny window in the hood of what can only be described as an ancient, horse-drawn perambulator. I seem to remember winning loads of money though.

Anyway, a couple of Facebook jokes for you, in case you missed them:

1) "You give £2 a month to a hungry African, and what do they do? Buy a bloody trumpet!"
2) "The Americans will invade another country in the pursuit of oil, yet they complain like fuck when it's delivered right to their doorstep."

Toodle pip, old loves. I promise to be more regular from now on.....

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