Wednesday 12 January 2011

And... Action!

My 'Things To Do' list now stretches to fifty-three lines, and some of those lines are only categories (or headings) which could themselves be expanded into several more lines of objectives. Hmm, it's quite a daunting list really - and not just because of its length. So, the thing to do is to begin an assault on the challenges before me, and not to waiver in the face of adversity. Years ago, I adopted the maxim "Action Cures Fear" which, if you think about it, is the simplest approach to anything that anyone can ever make.

We all fear doing certain things - maybe it's jumping out of an aeroplane; holding a snake; telling a friend that her bum really does look big in that; or perhaps just returning a faulty item to the shop where the manager is so intimidating that we fail to remember the axiom that the 'customer is always right'. Well, although I'm not the first to claim it (for that honour goes, I think, to Franklin D Roosevelt), but I am a firm believer in the adage that: "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself". If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Because we fear it, we can prevaricate and procrastinate about taking all manner of actions - but all we are doing by stalling, is prolonging that fear. Of course, there may be a good reason for being fearful of something - jumping out of a plane, for instance, can be a frightening thing to do - but until we do it, the fear is all we have. Take the action, and the fear is instantly dismissed.

So, staring at my 'Things To Do' list, quaking in my boots at the multifarious and daunting tasks before me, helps nobody - least of all myself. All I have to do is take action, sort the list into an order of priority, and make a start at the top.

Item No. 1: Quit smoking. This is indeed frightening - but once done, the fear will have gone. All it requires is not to light another cigarette. If I do light another cigarette, then it will only be satisfying the craving that the previous cigarette created. This will in turn only create a craving that nothing but a further cigarette will fulfil. Break the cycle, and it's done.

Item No. 2: Complete my on-line tax return. Terrifying, to be sure - but I have all the information to hand, so all that is required is to make a start and hey presto, it's done! Fear gone.

Item No. 3: Design "New Life". Oh goodness, this is such a daunting task that my legs have turned to jelly just at the thought of it. What sort of New Life do I want? How do I achieve it? Perhaps the first thing to do is to make a list of all the things I need to do in order to bring about the New Life? Hang on a minute, haven't I already done that? Oh dear, ticking off one item on the list only creates a new fear that ticking off the next item will suppress. Another vicious circle. Or is it a case that simply tackling one item on the list will only bring about the creation of another, newer list of fear.

This is getting ridiculous. Perhaps I should just do nothing? Or maybe I should write a blog about it? Yes, writing a blog is fear-dispelling action of some sort, surely? Of course it is, so - let's make a start....

I'm feeling better already. Action cures fear, indeed.

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