Tuesday 14 July 2009

Allons Enfants!

Since I last wrote here, I've had a full week. I've been to the opening of an art gallery; a performance evening to celebrate writing work from the Nottingham Writers' Studio; a wedding party (more of that later); a leather fetish party, and an audience with two famous novelists. On top of that, I've also been to work (no mean feat I can tell you) and I've also been keeping my stray cat supplied with endless saucers of milk; visited the old dear in her nursing home; and found time to socialize down at the old Broadway. What I haven't found time to do is to eat or sleep. Or write this blog. Not good.

Anyway, the wedding party was huge fun. My nephew's new in-laws have an enormous garden and they had arranged three marquees, a disco, a bandstand (with a great 70s retro band) and more alcohol than you could shake a stick at. There was also a bucking bronco which I failed to have a go at (I've done it before and I don't remember lasting very long) and lots of lovely people. The trouble was, the dance floor was – well, basically, the lawn – and unfortunately after the hog roast (scrumptious) it started to rain. The copious supply of booze was a good decision then, because it caused us not to notice the relentless drizzle, and so we danced in the rain. Very strangely, we were liberated and we just didn't care how wet we became. And there were fireworks. It was a great night.

I went to a Tai Chi class tonight. I thought it would be easy – just a bit of standing around on one leg and waving one's arms in the air. Not so – it's incredibly complicated and it's meant to be that way. Apparently, the method is to focus one's mind so closely on the movements of the body that one has no time to think about going to Tesco, or mopping up the flooded balcony, or writing a process document for the HR department (all things I have on my agenda right now). It's a bit like meditation in a way, but it hurts a bit more. I enjoyed it and can't wait for next week. The only problem was, this was a session on offer at work in Northampton which made me late getting home from work. Nothing wrong with that, although I had complaints from the stray cat because I'd locked the catflap and he was waiting for me to come home.

Now, let's think about my next posting. I don't want to write about myself again – all this gossipy news isn't so good for the average content of this site. No, I think I might write about the French Revolution (although I should do that today really, it being Bastille Day – allons enfants de la patrie!) or I might write about how this government is an absolute disgrace. What I won't write about is how everyone is going around excusing Michael Jackson for being a mad monster-zombie by saying that he was 'such a talented musician'. That's like saying Ian Huntley was 'such a good caretaker'. Everything is relative.

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