Monday 6 July 2009

Hello Again!

If I have any readers left (which is unlikely, after such a long absence) then I apologize for keeping you waiting for news of my Italian trip and other events. I've been having a fabulous time recently – although Great Aunt Dolores disgraced herself as soon as she arrived at the airport in Milano by failing to declare the three litres of brandy that she'd hidden in her over-sized wellingtons. Never mind, we still made it to Lake Garda.

What a beautiful place! Gorgeous, dramatic scenery; charming picturesque villages huddled along the shore; delightfully friendly people; and all topped off with wonderfully sunny weather. We stayed one night in a small resort at the bottom end of the lake before taking the boat the following morning to Malcesine, our destination for the wedding. The trip was a serene and pleasant ferry ride, stopping at all the tiny nestled villages along the coast. A much better way to travel than by bus or train. And what a lovely wedding it was too – the ceremony took place on the roof-top terrace of Malcesine's small castle. The views were dazzling; the formalities were quaint and unstuffy; and the local dignitary conducting the event gave the bride and groom a whole bagful of useful presents, mementoes and trinkets as a reward. You wouldn't get that in the Registry Office on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham, that's for sure.

Malcesine was followed by Verona and then Venice. The latter was fascinating, as you'd expect, but in many ways unpleasant. It was certainly delightful to witness the famous traffic chaos on the Canal Grande and there's masses of fantastic art to look at – but the city itself is tacky, shabby, crumbling (I guess I could be missing the point here), smelly, overcrowded and ridiculously expensive. And the Venetians are so unbelievably rude! And don't talk to me about the Piazza San Marco! I'm still glad I've see it all though – I can't imagine that it can last much longer if global warming really does go the way those boffin chaps predict, so I nevertheless felt immensely honoured to have been there.

Next time I'll tell you about a literary event I hosted back here in Nottingham. I was David Dimbleby! I think I've been working in the wrong job for years! Oh, it was ever thus....

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