Sunday 16 May 2010

No Stopping!

So in summary then, it's all about positive thinking. Everything that any of us has ever seen or done has always, always been about positive thinking - or at least it should have been. Gandhi said: "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." This is a tremendously simple maxim, and yet it is perhaps the one fundamental truth about us that we often ignore. This is an adage that has been passed down to us by all great thinkers throughout the ages, and yet still many of us simply don't get it. How many of us have heard the well-known axiom "Mind over matter", indeed how many of us have even uttered these words ourselves, yet we continue to allow what we presume to be external circumstances to bring us down?

Well, now it is time to take this simple truism and to put it into practice. Nothing that ever happens to us has come about without us having thought it. If you consider where you are right now, you will realize that you are standing in a spot that is situated at the very end of a long and winding road. To arrive at that spot you have made countless, countless decisions along the way - some quite grand, some quite small, and some infinitesimal - but you are only standing where you stand as a direct result of all those decisions. And what's more, you will only move from that spot by making yet another decision (and move you must, because the road is a freeway with big fat 'No Stopping' signs all along the side). Whatever you think now - however important or however trivial that thought may be - will change your life forever.

So, now that we understand this, doesn't it make sense to make the next thought a positive one? Of course it does. Only by thinking positive can we be sure to make the correct choice at the next turn in the road that lies ahead. It may be a cliché, but when Confucius said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", he wasn't joking.

Forget about the enormity of the task; forget about the obstacles that appear to stand in your way - and remember that there is no outside force that can affect your life unless you give that force its own power with your thoughts. The greatest power is within you. "We are what we think. With our thoughts, we make our world." (Buddha)

So, out you all go - quick, get to it! There is no magic 'secret' to any of this. It's plain common sense. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, hang on to the affirmative, and don't (no, please don't) mess with Mr In-Between!

"Imagine what you want, and what you will get in return is unimaginable."
(Dolores McKliskey-Beauchamp 1907-2003)

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