Sunday 16 November 2008

We Can Have It All

I'm drinking Earl Grey tea at the moment – I have these delicate little tea-bags that were part of the food hamper that my lovely daughters sent me earlier this year for Fathers' Day. They're made from a kind of fine chiffon-like material, as opposed to the bland paper ones that we get in this country, and presumably they're expensive. There aren't many of them left, but that doesn't matter because the point is, I have some now. Who cares about the future? What is important in life is what we have now; and for now – I have an abundance.

This leads me to think about the axiom that says we should always look for the joy in the current moment. We should not look backwards, nor even forwards, but take only from life what we are experiencing at this very point of consciousness. Many bad things may have happened to me in the past (although I've never really had anything go seriously wrong in my life), and I may have committed many flawed actions in life myself – but that doesn't matter. What is important to remember about the past is that it has only ever brought me to the point I am at now, and that point is only the starting block for what is to come, so both can be disregarded. It is this singular moment – yes, this very one – which gives me the power I require to achieve the rest. The real secret of power is consciousness of power.

I once read a quote in a book somewhere. It was from Henry Ford and it said: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right." I believe this actually says it all – I've nothing more to add. It's all in the mind, you see. Plato was right.

Armed with this knowledge, I'm setting out today full of energy; full of the potential to use that energy to make the world a better place. In this single moment, I have sufficient power to change myself, and everything else too.

There – now don't you all feel better already?

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