Saturday 21 February 2009

High on a hill was a lonely goatherd!

Well, I've been a bit tardy in respect of the old blog just lately. This is the curse of the working classes, of course. I'm spending so much time either at work or on the road these days that I hardly have time to fart, let alone write about it. Oh well, it won't last forever and trust me, I'll be back to my indolent self - where all I do is pretend to be a real person - fairly soon.

I've been trying to pack for my holiday tonight. The good thing about taking your own skis is that the ski bag doesn't count towards your luggage allowance, so the trick is to cram as many other things into the ski bag as possible, thereby leaving more room in the suitcase. Sounds good, eh? Well it would be, if I weren't the kind of person who struggles to decide between the gold lamé catsuit or the full-leather gimp outfit, and so therefore takes both – my suitcase is already bulging at the seams and there's hardly room for the skis in the ski bag either. Hmm, why can I never be the type of person who 'travels light'?

Anyway, I should be worrying more about paying my bills before I leave for holiday, rather than whether I will have the de rigueur outfit for the slopes. I only have a couple of hours to go, and there's a pile of paper as big as the Round Tower at Copenhagen to deal with first, as well as the packing. I'll try to write something more meaningful (and hopefully more erudite) while I'm away. Trouble is, the après ski might get in the way!

Arrivederci, dear reader!

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