Wednesday 1 October 2008

With The Lead Piping

As I might have told you, I haven't had a shower for three weeks. Apparently, the joint conduit for the shower, washbasin and toilet in my en-suite is leaking into the Chinese restaurant below (remind me not to eat there) and so three weeks ago I was asked not to use it until the problem had been fixed. Since then, the unbelievably inept managing agents for the building, and the hopelessly ineffectual agents for the apartment, have been fighting it out over whose responsibility it is. Neither side wants to pay, and so the work doesn't get done. Meanwhile, Yours Truly goes unwashed, and I'm absolutely bursting for a pee as well (no, of course this isn't true you fools – I have two bathrooms).

Anyway, I'm all excited because today, the plumber is coming to re-inspect the leak and I have some news for him. He assured me three weeks ago that my second bathroom was not causing a problem and that I could use it without worry (what me – worry?). However, Mr Chinese Restaurant Manager fellah has informed me that there is still a daily leak into his restaurant, complaining that he cannot seat diners at the table directly underneath. The mind boggles as to what the surrounding diners make of the strategically placed bucket into which there drips (one assumes) raw sewage. It gives a whole new meaning to Chop Suey. So, if bathroom number two really is blameless in this matter, the leakage must be coming (and this is my theory) from the apartment above me, whose gurgling waste I hear rushing past my en-suite walls daily. Ha! Now who's to blame, eh?

Anyway, I have no complaints about being visited again by the hunky young plumber and his equally cute young apprentice, as readers of my short story 'How To Get Hold Of A Plumber' will appreciate. In fact, once the problem is fixed, I might just have to break the pipe again. Excitement in one's life only ever comes if you call it, you know.

I'll keep you posted.

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