Sunday 13 May 2007

Apres moi, le deluge

It's strange that I put a picture of my boat on my previous posting. I should have done that today because I've just spent two days sailing in the most 'orrible of conditions. Yesterday we had rain and high winds. Rather foolishly we capsized the boat twice, both debacles occurred at crucial points in the race when we were seriously in danger of moving up a place (you will understand from this that we didn't win). Today was freezing temperatures, less wind, but more (much more) rain. Cats and dogs; stair rods; buckets – nothing could describe the deluge that deluged us today.

Still, we had fun and it's the first bit of exercise I've done since Thursday, so it must be good. My body is aching and pained; my hands are stiff and raw. At least I'll be able to sleep tonight (which is more than I can usually say). I'm a bit too old for this, and definitely too old for Purple Turtle which is - if I dare (or care) to admit it - a young man's boat.

I think I'll go yachting next. It's much more leisurely.

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