Sunday 27 May 2007

Just In Time

I love the bit in Buddhism that says the dharma is not something to believe in, but something to do. I go for that – in fact I go for anything that isn't a belief system, stifled by fear and doctrine. I was encouraged to undertake a course in Buddhist teachings by a good friend of mine. He's such an ace guy and he knew it would be right for me when he suggested it. And he was absolutely spot on – I'm already feeling happier than I thought I could be, so it has to be right. So my friend caught me from falling, just in time.

I went out to dinner last night with my family, to celebrate my sister's birthday. It was a bit of a boozy do but I made the mistake of telling them that I was taking this course (was it a mistake? Perhaps not). They all fear that simply by attending the course, I will become a shaven-headed loony and start begging in the street. Who knows, I might – but it's unlikely. It's more possible that I will simply stop losing my temper, stop feeling sorry for myself, and start smiling more. Heraclitus said: "You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you" and I guess he was right. Change is good, when it's necessary.

Mind you, Franklin D Roosevelt was also right when he said: "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." Good advice.

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