Friday 18 May 2007

What is the Key?

My mother once told me that I was a 'horrible little boy', and I've been trying to live up to that ever since. No seriously, I suppose the truth is that I've been trying to seek approval from people ever since. The trouble is, I so often fail.

I used to listen to a song on the radio when I was young – I can't remember what it was called, but the chorus went something like:

I'll tell the whole darned world,
If you don't happen to like it,
Deal me out, thank you kindly, pass me by!

How I always wanted to be able to live by that adage. It sounds good, doesn't it? "This is me, take it or leave it."

But things ain't always as simple as that in real life, and we often try to bend ourselves to fit in with others. This can only lead to unhappiness, so we're told – but what happiness is there in being rejected and disliked by people whom we would really like to love us? I can't immediately see where the middle ground is in this, but I suppose it must be a question of being so comfortable with yourself that in fact, you somehow become a person who other people will like. So, being comfortable with yourself (and all your warts) without being complacent or arrogant about yourself at the same time; that must be the key.

Although, quite possibly, 'Fear is the Key' (according to Alistair MacLean)

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